
Kubernetes discovery is a ServiceDiscovery Plugin, which leads go-chassis to do service discovery in kubernetes cluster according to Services.

Import Path

import in your application code explicitly.

import _ "github.com/go-chassis/go-chassis-extension/registry/kubernetes"


If you set servicecomb.registry.type as “kube”, then “configPath” is necessary to communicate with kubernetes cluster. go-chassis will discover k8s Endpoints and Services.

NOTE: applications with go-chassis must deploy itself as a k8s Pod associate with k8s Service. The Service ports must be named and the port name must be formed as <protocol>[-<suffix>]. protocol can set to be rest or grpc. for example: rest, rest-admin, grpc, grpc-legacy
    type: kube
    configPath: /etc/.kube/config

To see the detailed use case of how to use kube discovery with chassis please refer to this example.